Its been a wee while since I sat down and spoke to you all. To begin with, my teeth are doing fine, here are some photos:
The quality isn't amazing as I have had to resort to using my iPhone 6 camera. As you can see they are a lot straighter than compared to previous photos which can be found in older posts. I went to my orthodontist recently on the 16th December and they put new wires on top and bottom. My top wire is a stainless steel wire and my bottom wire is still a Damon wire. I have two appointments in March, one to fit a seperator to go between two of my molars again and then another appointment to fit a band. They had fit a separator previously to try and put a band on one of my back teeth, however it really did not work as my tooth was too big for the band, so they are going to try a different tooth and try and recorrect my bite. I think if my bite wasn't the issue, then my braces would be off by now. Its because I have a serious crossbite that they are finding really difficult to sort out.
Here is another photo were you can see the bottom jaw a bit more. The front four teeth are still very crooked but they are definitely getting there. I'm happy with the results so far, but I just want to get them off now. Being 17 and having braces is really not fun.
Anyway, so now to where I have been. My last post was in September. Since then, I have been at school in my final year working my butt off to get finished in time because they want all year 13s out of school as soon as possible (preferably May which is so soon). I have had mocks, I've had tough deadlines, but I have just been more focused on that at the moment than anything else and also thinking of future careers that I would like to pursue seeing as I will need to find a job sooner rather than later. I hope you can understand. Another reason for my lack of blogging is because nothing exciting has been happening with my teeth, and my appointments are always 3 months apart, so I can't always find a topic to talk about. It's not easy to write about stuff when the blog is based around something that doesn't happen very often (if that makes sense).
I hope you all had a fantastic Christmas and you all have an amazing New Year.
Bye Bye!