Friday, 23 February 2018

Things didn't quite go to plan...

Hello guys,

So the last time I updated you, I think I had a bottom retainer but no top retainer because they couldn't get it in. I went back to my next appointment and they managed to get the top retainer in, however the retainer then split in my mouth and they had to make another top retainer. They still gave me the broken one to wear, because they could tell that my top teeth were moving at a fast rate, so they sent me on my way with the broken top retainer and they would contact me when it was ready.

Fast toward to the following Tuesday, and I got a phone call saying that my retainers were ready, however, between the last appointment and that phone call, I had contracted not one but two coldsores! My orthodontist don't treat patients with coldsores, so I had to wait even longer to get my top retainers. A week later, and I phoned the orthodontist and went in pretty much 2 days later and got my top retainers. I got my top retainer on the 15th February so I've had them for just over 1 week now. But I can finally show you some pictures of my retainers.

Top and Bottom:

Thursday, 1 February 2018

Bottom Retainers but no top?!


So today was the day I got my retainers, or shall I say retainer. I only got my bottom retainer today because they tried to get my top retainer in and it just wouldn’t go in, so I have to go back on Saturday at 10:05am to get my top retainers. They had to do another impression for my top teeth which was actually a lot smoother than the impression they did on Tuesday. I was really looking forward to showing you them in all their glory but I am going to save it for Saturday, because I want to keep you all in suspense.

So I shall see you all on Saturday for a post about retainers!

Bye guys

Wednesday, 31 January 2018

No braces! Before and After pictures!

Hello guys,

Really wanted to update you yesterday but I literally got in from the orthodontist and went straight out to a work gathering so did not find the time to talk to you all about it! But I got my braces off!

 So if we take it right back to old school teeth, where I hadn't begun treatment at all, I didn't know that I was about to embark on 4 and a half years of treatment, involving twin blocks, expanders and the actual braces themselves. I had a cross bite, an overbite and overjet. My jaw didnt align which you can really see in this image as my chin is not in line with anything, and my teeth were just so crooked and wonky. I had two snaggle tooth, and a lot of overcrowding from the sheer amount of teeth I had. I remember when I was ten, and I used to try and make my own braces out of paperclips because I wanted straight teeth so bad.


And here they are (P.S: yes this is my absolute favourite snapchat filter and I will still continue to use this when I am old and wrinkly)! 4 and a half years and my teeth are straight! I have been waiting for this day for what feels like forever and yesterday my dream finally came true and my braces came off! My teeth now align in the middle, which means that I no longer have a wonky chin (which you can't really see with the filter but I will be uploading some proper images so you will be able to see this a lot better) and my overbite has completely gone which you can see in comparison to the top photo where you can't even see my bottom teeth at all! I also have no crossing over of the front teeth and no more snaggle tooth! My snaggle teeth were the two teeth that sit either side of my two front teeth and as you are able to see, they are nice and straight and in the correct position! I cannot tell you in words how amazing it feels and how happy I am with them. I am forever thankful for all the staff and orthodontists at my orthodontist who have gone above and beyond to make me a happy and confident woman!

So I feel like its only right that I talk to you about the process, for those who are getting their braces off soon, or those who are just interested. So, the first thing they do is double check that they are okay to come off and then they take the brackets off from the teeth. This is just a bit of pressure on your teeth, so don't be concerned. A couple of my brackets didn't want to come off, so there was a lot of pressure with them teeth, but nothing that was painful or uncomfortable. The next step was to grind off the glue. This felt like forever, and was quite uncomfortable, not painful, but the noise isn't the nicest and it's so loud that even singing in your head doesn't even silence the sound. But once the glue is gone, your teeth feel so smooth and silky. 

Then it was time for impressions. This is that putty mould stuff that they put in your mouth to get an impression of your teeth for retainers. This is fine, but my gag reflex has got worse since I had it done 4 and a half years ago, so the top impressions were not fun and I did think I was going to throw up but over and done with in 2 minutes. Then I had photos done and that was it! So I have to go back tomorrow to get my retainers, I can already feel that my teeth have settled and moved slightly, so I feel like they could be quite tender and sore, but nothing too extreme. I'm sure it will be the same tenderness like when you get your braces tightened. 

I will update you all tomorrow on how that goes and more photos of my retainers!

Bye guys,

Tuesday, 23 January 2018

New Year, New Teeth! 7 days to go!

Hello guys,

First of, happy 2018! I hope this year brings you love, happiness and prosperity. So, I had an orthodontist appointment today at 9:50am. Prior to this appointment, I had one just before christmas and the new year, which was just a check up, I got new power bands, and the opportunity to have my bottom braces off, which I declined as I would prefer for them to both come off together. Fast forward to the new year and the next appointment which was todays appointment.

She checked my teeth, and all is well, I had a major chip in my teeth, which was so horrible (If you go back through some older blogs from 2013-2014, I am sure there are some photos that you can see the chip on. It was huge, but they filed that down for me today so I no longer have a chip in my front teeth. In 7 days time, on the 30th January, at 2:45pm, I will be braceless for the first time in 3 years and 3 months. I then also have an appointment next Thursday at 12:15pm to get retainers, which I am excited about also, I dont want my teeth moving anywhere!

I cannot believe the day is finally here, the day I have been waiting for when I first begun treatment all them years ago. My full time with braces and my removable appliances has been 4 years, 4 months, which in days equates to 1,590 days. With just my braces alone its been 3 years, 3 months, which equates to 1,191 days. Way too long if you ask me!

If you are out there and you have started treatment similar to mine where you have removable appliances or braces, trust me it gets better. They will come off and when they do or when you get that appointment to have them removed its the best feeling ever. I've cried about 3 times today all because I am getting them off. I cannot wait to show you all before and after pictures next week of my teeth THEY ARE GOING TO LOOK INSANE!

Keep your eyes peeled everyone. Its been a long ride but we are finally there.

Bye guys