I was completely gobsmacked. Not only are my teeth whiter, but they appear straighter and they look healthier! I'm so proud of my oral hygiene and the cleanliness of my teeth!(IN THE TOP PHOTO, I AM NOT SMILING PROPERLY, I'M JUST DOING A WEIRD SMILE..)

I then decided to compare it to an old and familiar photo which was token before any treatment started. Here it is:
ONE WORD: WOW! Not only has the colour dramatically changed, but the front two teeth have moved a lot and my smile has improved loads! You can now see my bottom teeth when I smile!! I'm so happy with how treatment is going so far!
I still have a very long way to go but I can't believe the difference that has been made.
I have decided to upload to this blog on a Tuesday, Thursday and a Saturday. I know today is a Sunday but I really wanted to let you guys see the difference in wearing an expander and a twin block!
Bye guys.
P.S: next appointment: 35 days!

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