Saturday, 5 July 2014

Questions on the Twin Block

Hi guys,

2days and I'm back at the orthodontist! But I thought I'd answer a few questions before I (hopefully) no longer have to wear it.

1. How long have you had to wear the Twin Block for?
I got mine on the 27th of January and they said I would have it for 6 months. It has roughly been six months and I'm going back this Monday to talk about what will happen.

2. Does it hurt at first?
Mine did hurt at first for about an hour but then I took some ibuprofen and I was fine, but yes it was sore and uncomfortable.

3. Did you have to remove it for eating?
Yes I did have to do this, but I know many people who didn't have to remove it, but to eat with the twin block is virtually impossible.

4. How do you clean your Twin Block?
I use cold water and brush over the surface of the brace with a soft bristled toothbrush. You can use toothpaste if you wish but I don't because my orthodontist told me not to do that.

5. What does the Twin Block do?
My Twin Block pushes my top jaw backwards and my bottom jaw forwards because I used to have a 7.5mm overbite which needed to be sorted out. Some people have the twin block but there's might do the opposite. It depends on your bite.

6. What would you recommend for someone who has just got the Twin Block?
Wear it, because I have been quite bad with mine and that's why after my appointment on Monday, I still have to wear it at night. Also, you will have a lispe and you won't want to wear it but trust me it will improve the more you speak and the more you wear it and practice. When you first get the Twin Block, your lips won't meet and you'll look a bit funny but you'll get used to that as your mouth gets used to it.

I hope this helped anybody who is getting the Twin Block or has the Twin Block right now and wants a bit of advice. I will next be posting on Monday sometime in the afternoon/evening.

Bye guys.

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