Monday, 24 November 2014

Day 35: Appointment, One Month Anniversary and Life

Hi guys,

I just thought I'd let you know when my next appointment is because I don't think I've told you yet. My next appointment is on the 22nd December at 1:30pm. Its in under a month and I'm excited!

On the 20th November, it was my one month anniversary with braces. It honestly feels like I have had them for ages. I hope I get them off before my year 13 prom in 2016 because it would be such a wish come true to have nice naked teeth for all of the photos.

Life right now is stressful. School is the main culprit for this. I kind of want to give up with A-levels and just travel the world and see the sights. But I need to keep motivated, knuckle down and just get through the next 1 year and 3/4. So yeah, that's all, there isn't lots to talk about but I'm sure there will be some longer and more chatty blogs. I'm thinking of doing blogs about random things, maybe a few more tags and stuff like that, but I'm not sure if people would enjoy tags. You can let me know on my email or feel free to tweet me at @dehrhiaaan.

Bye guys

Tuesday, 18 November 2014

Day 28(and a bit): Teeth, School, and Future Plans

Hi guys,

Sorry I didn't post yesterday, I wasn't in the house to post a blog. Nothing interesting is happening with the teeth, they still look the same as they did last week. They are getting there slowly.

School is my priority right now, as this is my A-levels and I really need to knuckle down and get these 2 years over and done with. I am trying to balance doing frequent blogs and doing school work, which at times can be tricky with the work load I receive. I also am trying to balance my social life as well as blogging and school. As soon as I have a routine, blogs will be frequent but for the mean time, bear with me.

As it is my last year, I've started to predict and almost plan my future. I've tried to think of an appropriate time about when I think I will be getting my braces off, and I think this will be around December-January 2015. Also, around the time of December-January 2015, I want to have passed my driving test and be driving around and have my own car and be able to go out and explore places which I've always wanted to go. When I finish my A-levels in July 2016, I plan to take time off and just find my feet and decide what I really want to do with my life. I want to go abroad and relax with people I love spending time with.

So yeah, sorry if this has been a rambling blog, but there was a fair amount which I wanted to say.

Bye guys

Wednesday, 12 November 2014


Sorry about the poor lighting, been busy and the clocks have gone back so its darker quicker.

Day 1:

Day 21 (and a bit):


Monday, 10 November 2014

Day 21: Progress, Achiness and Stress

Hi guys,

I have took some photos, however I'm going to do a separate blog on Wednesday, which will just contain photos and no chit chat. I would do it tomorrow, however I'm not going to be in to upload them. But basically, you can kind of see that my teeth are beginning to straighten out. I do feel like I've made a lot of progress. I've been looking at old photos of my teeth and I've been gobsmacked at the sheer difference in my teeth.

I have been experiencing a tiny amount of achiness in my teeth, mainly in my molars. I have no idea why this is, but its not been extremely painful that I've needed to take ibuprofen.

Recently, I've been under a lot of stress with coursework. I've been suffering with frequent bursts of headaches, which have been going on for a couple of weeks now. I wake up with them and I've gone to bed with them. Taking Paracetomol doesn't work, and I've also tired to drink some more water, because I thought I was dehydrated but it turns out that's not the case. I think its because most of the subjects which I have chosen to take for A-levels are mainly focused on using a computer and involve spending a good 4-5 hours a day in front of a computer screen and that's taking a toll on my eyes.

Anyway, enough of me rambling! If anyone has any questions, feel free to direct message me on my twitter which is @dehrhiaaan or email me at

Bye guys

Monday, 3 November 2014

Day 14:Hectic half term, work and progression

Hi guys,

There's not going to be photos until next week and yes I do have reasons for this. On Wednesday I was in hospital. NOT FOR ME, IM FINE. Basically there was a bit of an incident involving fingers and scissors and I did it, so I went to the hospital with the person I accidentally did it to. Then, I went to the fireworks on Saturday and then I had work and the fireworks on Sunday. I also went ice skating on Tuesday so its been a bit of a hectic half term and I've just not had the time to take photos with work and coursework and all of that.

My teeth have started to slow down a bit now and aren't moving as fast as they were on the first week. They are moving, but the progress is slow. I'm hoping to find time this weekend to take some photos for next weeks blog to show you what they look like at 3 weeks.

So yeah sorry its short and sweet and not exactly exciting but there's not enough going on for me to talk about in detail.

Bye guys