Monday, 3 November 2014

Day 14:Hectic half term, work and progression

Hi guys,

There's not going to be photos until next week and yes I do have reasons for this. On Wednesday I was in hospital. NOT FOR ME, IM FINE. Basically there was a bit of an incident involving fingers and scissors and I did it, so I went to the hospital with the person I accidentally did it to. Then, I went to the fireworks on Saturday and then I had work and the fireworks on Sunday. I also went ice skating on Tuesday so its been a bit of a hectic half term and I've just not had the time to take photos with work and coursework and all of that.

My teeth have started to slow down a bit now and aren't moving as fast as they were on the first week. They are moving, but the progress is slow. I'm hoping to find time this weekend to take some photos for next weeks blog to show you what they look like at 3 weeks.

So yeah sorry its short and sweet and not exactly exciting but there's not enough going on for me to talk about in detail.

Bye guys

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