Hi guys,
So its been one week since I've had my braces. There isn't going to be photos because the only difference between last week and this week is that my front two teeth are now straight. The other front teeth are still crooked.
The hardest part of this week has probably been eating. Because my front teeth were tender, I had to use my molars to bite and chew. On the first day it took me around 20 minutes to eat a small galaxy bar. As I've got used to it my speed has increased and I'm now back to eating tougher foods again, for example potatoes, crispy chips, etc.
Brushing has been weird as well. My new toothbrush is a life saver to get in-between the brackets and nooks and cranny's of my teeth. It works a treat. Mouthwash is also a life saver for maintaining healthy teeth and gums. Another life saver was the little interdental brushes which have been handy for getting out little bits of food which I can feel in my braces.
Bad habits have been the death of me this week. My worst habit and addiction is chewing gum. I love chewing gum and even with braces, I've been chewing gum. But I have a sugar free one so its not packed with sugar and its minty. Another bad habit is fizzy drinks. I love fizzy drinks so drinking them through a straw has been difficult and really weird. I'm sure in time I'll get rid of my bad habits but for now its tough.
So yeah, next week I will probably have some photos for you, but its' purely because not a lot is happening right now. They have moved a considerable amount and for that I am happy, but they haven't moved enough to talk about them in detail.
Bye guys.
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