Sunday, 30 October 2016

Brace Face Tag: Then and Now

Hi guys,

On the 1st August 2015, I posted the brace face tag. I thought it would be a fun idea to do it again and compare my answers from then to now. Here we go!!

1. When did you get your braces on?

Then: I got my top braces on the 20th October and my bottom braces on the 23rd June. 

Now: I got my top braces on in October 2014 and my bottom braces in June 2015. 

2. How soon after could you feel pressure/aching?

Then: Around a day after getting them on, I began to feel pressure. 

Now: Around a day. I only ever get tenderness now with every wire change but that last's a few hours, if that. 

3. On a pain scale of 1-10 (1 being nothing and 10 being painful) how bad was the pain for you?

Then: I would say a 5-6.

Now: Getting them on a 1. After a day, around a 5. Now with every wire change, its a 3.

4. What food did you eat when you first got braces?

Then: Pasta, mash potato, anything that would melt in my mouth.  

Now: It was foods that I could easily swallow without having to do too much chewing, so pasta, chocolate.

5. How often do you get adjustments?

Then: I visit my orthodontist every 3-4 months but I don't have adjustments everytime I go.  

Now: I visit my orthodontist every 1-3 months for wire changes.

6. Do you wear rubber bands?

Then: I don't. 

Now: I did, but not anymore. I had Gorilla and Butterfly fish bands. 

7. How many times do you brush your teeth? Any tips to prevent the little white squares?

Then: I brush my teeth twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste. To prevent the squares I would recommend not whitening your teeth while you have your braces on as when you get them off, the squares will be more prominent. I would also recommend just keeping care of your teeth and making sure that your oral hygiene is the best it can be and sticking to the same toothpaste you were using before your braces as different brands have different properties. 

Now: Not very often if I'm completely honest, but I do brush my teeth to make sure that squares are prevented. 

8. How often do you get them tightened?

Then: Every 3-4 months I get my braces tightened and new wires fitted. 

Now: Every 1-3 months, I get wires fitted. 

9. Did you get to pick colours?

Then: I don't because my braces are Damon so they are not traditional and do not come with coloured ties. 

Now: I don't get to choose colours. 

10. Did you need jaw surgery?

Then: No however I did need retainer style braces which you can see in previous blog posts. 

Now: Nope. I was meant to have teeth removed, but they never did. 

11. Do you use wax?

Then: When my wires are poking my gums I do but that's usually just after I get them tightened. 

Now: Not any more, however I still have it just in case I need it. 

12. How long did it take to put your braces on?

Then: It took around 15-20 minutes for top and about 20 minutes for my bottom. 

Now:  Around 20 minutes for both. 

13. Do you ever get that metal taste in your mouth?

Then: No it's really weird because you think you would but you don't. 

Now: Nope. 

14. How long do you have your braces on?

Then: I have to have mine on I think for a year? But I'm not 100% because they've not told me a lot, if I'm thinking correct I should get them off around December 2015 or the start of 2016. But don't count me on that!

Now: Clearly I was feeling optimistic last year! I thought I would've got them off last December, but I think that was wishful thinking. I've had my top braces on for 2 years, and my bottom braces on for a year and 3 months. I'm hoping sometime next year. If they aren't off before 2018, I will rip them off myself. I hate them now.  

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