Finally managed to get around to taking up to date photos of my teeth for you all to see! It has been a long time but I have finally managed to get some free time and post these photos for you before my orthodontist appointment again tomorrow. So, without further ado, here are some photos.
Here is a picture of my teeth when I smile, which I really don't do often. As you may be able to see, my teeth still do not align in the middle however this does not bother me. My teeth are the straightest they have ever been and I honestly just want them off now. I am so happy with how they look and feel and I am ready to have them off more than ever.
These two photos show you an all around perspective of the whole mouth, front and back. You can really see how straight they are. I got this mouthguard thing from a board game that went viral over the Christmas period, commonly known as Say it, Don't Spray it. You can see my gums are slightly red and bloody but my gums have always been sensitive. I also like to do a deep clean the night before the orthodontist therefore my teeth and gums especially are sore. These photos really allow you to see the full extent of my teeth and how straight they really are. I don't know if you can remember, but my teeth before were awful, overbite, overjets, crossbites. I feel like my teeth have come a long way from the start. The second photo also allows you to see a lot clearer about my front teeth not meeting in the middle, This again, does not bother me at all, I am just happy with how straigh they are and feel.
This is a photo of my top jaw. I know my teeth are not the cleanest but that is due to many complications that I had when I was little aside absyss and infections but thats for another day. You can really see how straight my teeth are and how straight the wires are. The grey tooth is a filling that I had just before my 18th birthday but we can just ignore that.
This final photo shows my bottom jaw. Again my teeth are not the cleanest but we can ignore that. You can also see how straight the wire is on the bottom jaw which is incredible seeing as I've had my bottom braces on for less time than my top braces.
So yes, here are some photos of my teeth. These *crosses fingers, toes and legs* should hopefully be the last photos of me with braces but I am not going to get my hopes up because I've done that before with many different appointments and come away disappointed everytime. See you soon!
Bye guys
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