Tuesday 18 March 2014


Hi guys,

Steering away from teeth, I thought I'd do the 'Get to know me' tag. Here we go:

1. Do you have a middle name?
Yes I do, it's LEIGH HOPE.

2. What was your favorite subject in school?

I like netball, bench ball and rounders.

3. What's your favorite drink?

I like lemonade and coke and coffee and water.

4. What's your favorite song at the moment?
Route 94 ft Jess Glyne- my love

5. What would you name your children?
If I have a girl, Serenity and if I have a boy Max.

6. Do you participate in any sports?
No, I'm too lazy

7. What's your favorite book? 

Of all time, the fault in our stars but at the moment I'm reading Hannah's gift. It's a good-un. 

8. What's your favorite color?
Pink, Blue, White and Orange.

9. What's your favorite animal?

Owls, and kittens.

10. What's your favorite perfume?

Lady Gagas one.

11. What's your favorite holiday?
Christmas, and my birthday. Don't think that counts though...

12. Have you graduated from High School?

We don't have high school in Britain.

13. Have you been out of the country?
Yes, only once to Egypt.

14. Do you speak any other languages?
I used to learn French.... I don't anymore..

15. Do you have any siblings?
Yes, two younger brothers and an older step sister who I count as my sister.

16. What's your favorite store?
Primark all the way!

17. What's your favorite restaurant?
Does McDonalds count? I joke, umm Nandos??

18. Do you like school? 
Yes, just don't like the teachers, stress, exams, and everything else.

19. Who are some of your favorite YouTubers?
Stilababe09, Bethany Mota, Zoella, Tanya Burr, Marcus Butler, Jim Chapman, PointlessBlog(Alfie Deyes), Thatcher Joe, um I think that's it.

20. What's your favorite movie? 
Girls just want to have fun! It's a good chick flick.

21. What are some of your favorite TV shows?
I don't have a favourite I like everything to be honest.

22. PC or Mac?

Can't work Mac's so PC's

23. What phone do you have?
iPhone 4S.

24. How tall are you?
5'3 something like that.

25. Any pets?
Yes. Two fish called Barry and Belinda and a chug called Frankie.

Saturday 15 March 2014


Hi guys,

Sorry for no blog, life's been hard. Mouth is still on the move, but getting a bit fed up of having to remove it all the time and clean it all the time and it's just annoying. Can't wait until I get my real ones, won't have to remove it or anything. I also hate how my mouth doesn't shut fully it's annoying..

O well, rant over. Next appointment is in April.

Bye guys,