Friday 20 February 2015

My busy life and Dentist Appt

Hi guys,

Life got really busy. I had a party to go to and it was really fun. There was a photo booth there, which was really fun. After that, it was the last week of school, so I had lots of deadlines to meet and lots of work to do.

My dentist appointment was eventful. I have a tiny hole in my top left molar. I also have to have to have a fisher sealant, as my enamel is poor. I believe I am back there in April at the start. Anyway, I am going to leave it here. Sorry I have been non existent, but I hope you understand that I have been slightly busy. Photos are coming soon

Bye guys

Friday 6 February 2015

Teeth, School and Holidays

Hi guys,

My teeth are straightening nicely! My front four teeth are looking so much more straighter than usual which is good news. I cannot wait until the end of March to go back to the orthodontist and get my bottom braces.

School is really busy, but the pressure is good and I am enjoying it. We had our school photos yesterday and they went really good. Maybe I will post my school photo on my blog. I did not smile with my teeth because I do not feel comfortable with showing my teeth off just as yet.

I am hopefully going on holiday in 2016 with all of my girls at school. I am not sure when yet but it is early days as half of us have no jobs and half of us are driving and need money for a car.

Anyway, I am off and out,

Bye guys.