Hi guys,
I hope you all had a lovely Christmas. I had a great Christmas and got some really nice and thoughtful gifts. One of my main gifts which I have been asking for, for absolute ages was a new TV for my room which I got so I am very happy with that.
I cant believe it is going to be 2015 in basically a day. 2014 has been an absolute blinder and I really don't want this year to end because after this year ends, I'm going to be in full swing with school because most of the deadlines for everything are in February. So as soon as I go back to school (5th January for anyone wondering) I am going to be a busy busy bee.
My teeth are doing fine. They are moving slowly day by day. I've not noticed any drastic changes in my teeth yet, so when I start to notice a difference in my teeth, I will do another photos blog and just show you what they look like and everything else.
Anyway, I am not going to be blogging now until the 5th I believe, so I hope you all have a wonderful and healthy new year and I hope 2015 brings you all joy and good luck.
Bye guys
Tuesday, 30 December 2014
Tuesday, 23 December 2014
Hi guys,
Here is a little timeline of the photos from the beginning up until now:
Here is a little timeline of the photos from the beginning up until now:
15th October 2014
20th October 2014
12th November 2014
1st December 2014
Today. I am aware of my chapped lips, I deeply apologise. You can see that the new wire I have is much thicker and should hopefully work in sorting my teeth out and making the twisted ones straight. I have still got a long way to go but I am so happy with the progress so far.
I am not going to be blogging now until next Monday which I believe if I am correct is the 29th. So, I hope you all have a lovely Christmas and get everything you wished for. All stay safe and keep warm.
Bye guys,
Monday, 22 December 2014
Day 61: Appointment, Thicker wire and Good news
Hi guys,
Please bear with any spelling mistakes, I have got my nails done so typing with them on is quite difficult. But hello, here I am with some news about my appointment. I have moved up a wire which is exciting. I have a thicker wire with these weird spring looking things between my two front teeth's brackets. I go back on the 24th March to talk about getting my bottom braces on and then its the slow process to getting them off.
So I am finally and officially on the road to having straight teeth. I will try to do another blog which contains just photos, but its really hard to get good quality photos with man made lighting. And its difficult now that the sun goes down at like 4pm in the UK.
Anyway, I am sorry for any spelling mistakes and grammatical errors, these nails are a bugger.
Bye guys,
Please bear with any spelling mistakes, I have got my nails done so typing with them on is quite difficult. But hello, here I am with some news about my appointment. I have moved up a wire which is exciting. I have a thicker wire with these weird spring looking things between my two front teeth's brackets. I go back on the 24th March to talk about getting my bottom braces on and then its the slow process to getting them off.
So I am finally and officially on the road to having straight teeth. I will try to do another blog which contains just photos, but its really hard to get good quality photos with man made lighting. And its difficult now that the sun goes down at like 4pm in the UK.
Anyway, I am sorry for any spelling mistakes and grammatical errors, these nails are a bugger.
Bye guys,
Thursday, 18 December 2014
Day 54(and a bit): Where I have gone & Whats been going on?
Hi guys,
Sorry I have been distant. Its been mocks week so I didn't want to blog anything. I have also been suffering really severe headaches and I haven't felt like sitting in front of a computer and making it worse. I am feeling a lot better and I have done all of my mocks, so here I am.
I can't wait to get my wires changed next week (22nd December) and I can't wait to hear what they have to say. I hope its all good news and I hope that I am progressing well. Anyway, I don't really have anything else to say so I guess I am going to leave it there for now until there is something more interesting to blog about. I will be blogging next Monday after my appointment and letting you know what happened.
Bye guys
Sorry I have been distant. Its been mocks week so I didn't want to blog anything. I have also been suffering really severe headaches and I haven't felt like sitting in front of a computer and making it worse. I am feeling a lot better and I have done all of my mocks, so here I am.
I can't wait to get my wires changed next week (22nd December) and I can't wait to hear what they have to say. I hope its all good news and I hope that I am progressing well. Anyway, I don't really have anything else to say so I guess I am going to leave it there for now until there is something more interesting to blog about. I will be blogging next Monday after my appointment and letting you know what happened.
Bye guys
Monday, 8 December 2014
Day 47: Christmas, Sick, and Work Work Work
Hi guys,
Last week we put up the Christmas tree in our living room and now I am extremely excited to just have some fun giving and receiving presents and gifts and cards. Also, its nearly like halfway through December which means there is not long until the new year hits us with a bang.
I have been really sick this past week with a nasty headcold and a sore throat and nose. I think the main culprit has to be the colder weather. I've managed to bag what feels like my fifth coldsore in this whole year. However, this one has to be by far the largest one, its somehow managed to make my whole lip swell up.
I have been working last week as well on the Saturday. For all those who are interested, I work at Brands Hatch Racing Circuit and it was one of their Christmas parties this weekend. It was really fun to get out and do some work, but it was a 6pm-11pm shift so I was extremely tired at the end of the night.
I've got two weeks left in this hell hole called school and then I am out of there for the Christmas holidays and I can have some time out to recharge my batteries and go in all guns blazing in 2015. That seems so weird to say that in about half a month, 2015 will be here. That's going to be a big big year for me. I can start learning to drive, I will have my own provisional driving licence with my name and my photo and everything, I would have finished my first year of sixth form and hopefully I would have done well, I will hopefully have straight teeth and I will be 17. I cannot wait to create new memories and reflect on the old memories as well. Anyway, that got very deep, so I think I am going to leave that there.
Bye guys.
Last week we put up the Christmas tree in our living room and now I am extremely excited to just have some fun giving and receiving presents and gifts and cards. Also, its nearly like halfway through December which means there is not long until the new year hits us with a bang.
I have been really sick this past week with a nasty headcold and a sore throat and nose. I think the main culprit has to be the colder weather. I've managed to bag what feels like my fifth coldsore in this whole year. However, this one has to be by far the largest one, its somehow managed to make my whole lip swell up.
I have been working last week as well on the Saturday. For all those who are interested, I work at Brands Hatch Racing Circuit and it was one of their Christmas parties this weekend. It was really fun to get out and do some work, but it was a 6pm-11pm shift so I was extremely tired at the end of the night.
I've got two weeks left in this hell hole called school and then I am out of there for the Christmas holidays and I can have some time out to recharge my batteries and go in all guns blazing in 2015. That seems so weird to say that in about half a month, 2015 will be here. That's going to be a big big year for me. I can start learning to drive, I will have my own provisional driving licence with my name and my photo and everything, I would have finished my first year of sixth form and hopefully I would have done well, I will hopefully have straight teeth and I will be 17. I cannot wait to create new memories and reflect on the old memories as well. Anyway, that got very deep, so I think I am going to leave that there.
Bye guys.
Monday, 1 December 2014
Day 42: Christmas, New Year and Photos
Hi guys,
I cannot believe how fast this year has gone! Christmas is literally around the corner and soon the Christmas tree will be up and the lights will be up and the roast will be here. I really love this time of the year. I love the giving and receiving of gifts, I love the smells, I love the family time and I just love how everything is so festive and colourful.
I also cannot believe 2014 is nearly over and 2015 will be here. I think I have decided that for my new years resolution, I'm going to make a savings account, save some money, and visit the gym and lose some weight. I'm not very happy in myself and my body, therefore I am going to do something to change that. I also hope that by the end of 2015 I will be legal on the road and I will be able to drive. Fingers crossed.
Here is a some photos of my teeth right now and some of the past, just so you can see what my teeth look like now and what they looked like before:
I cannot believe how fast this year has gone! Christmas is literally around the corner and soon the Christmas tree will be up and the lights will be up and the roast will be here. I really love this time of the year. I love the giving and receiving of gifts, I love the smells, I love the family time and I just love how everything is so festive and colourful.
I also cannot believe 2014 is nearly over and 2015 will be here. I think I have decided that for my new years resolution, I'm going to make a savings account, save some money, and visit the gym and lose some weight. I'm not very happy in myself and my body, therefore I am going to do something to change that. I also hope that by the end of 2015 I will be legal on the road and I will be able to drive. Fingers crossed.
Here is a some photos of my teeth right now and some of the past, just so you can see what my teeth look like now and what they looked like before:
These two photos were token on the 1st December 2014 (sorry the second photo is a bit blurry)
These photos were token on the 15th October 2014.
Bye guys
Monday, 24 November 2014
Day 35: Appointment, One Month Anniversary and Life
Hi guys,
I just thought I'd let you know when my next appointment is because I don't think I've told you yet. My next appointment is on the 22nd December at 1:30pm. Its in under a month and I'm excited!
On the 20th November, it was my one month anniversary with braces. It honestly feels like I have had them for ages. I hope I get them off before my year 13 prom in 2016 because it would be such a wish come true to have nice naked teeth for all of the photos.
Life right now is stressful. School is the main culprit for this. I kind of want to give up with A-levels and just travel the world and see the sights. But I need to keep motivated, knuckle down and just get through the next 1 year and 3/4. So yeah, that's all, there isn't lots to talk about but I'm sure there will be some longer and more chatty blogs. I'm thinking of doing blogs about random things, maybe a few more tags and stuff like that, but I'm not sure if people would enjoy tags. You can let me know on my email bracefacemyjourney@gmail.com or feel free to tweet me at @dehrhiaaan.
Bye guys
I just thought I'd let you know when my next appointment is because I don't think I've told you yet. My next appointment is on the 22nd December at 1:30pm. Its in under a month and I'm excited!
On the 20th November, it was my one month anniversary with braces. It honestly feels like I have had them for ages. I hope I get them off before my year 13 prom in 2016 because it would be such a wish come true to have nice naked teeth for all of the photos.
Life right now is stressful. School is the main culprit for this. I kind of want to give up with A-levels and just travel the world and see the sights. But I need to keep motivated, knuckle down and just get through the next 1 year and 3/4. So yeah, that's all, there isn't lots to talk about but I'm sure there will be some longer and more chatty blogs. I'm thinking of doing blogs about random things, maybe a few more tags and stuff like that, but I'm not sure if people would enjoy tags. You can let me know on my email bracefacemyjourney@gmail.com or feel free to tweet me at @dehrhiaaan.
Bye guys
Tuesday, 18 November 2014
Day 28(and a bit): Teeth, School, and Future Plans
Hi guys,
Sorry I didn't post yesterday, I wasn't in the house to post a blog. Nothing interesting is happening with the teeth, they still look the same as they did last week. They are getting there slowly.
School is my priority right now, as this is my A-levels and I really need to knuckle down and get these 2 years over and done with. I am trying to balance doing frequent blogs and doing school work, which at times can be tricky with the work load I receive. I also am trying to balance my social life as well as blogging and school. As soon as I have a routine, blogs will be frequent but for the mean time, bear with me.
As it is my last year, I've started to predict and almost plan my future. I've tried to think of an appropriate time about when I think I will be getting my braces off, and I think this will be around December-January 2015. Also, around the time of December-January 2015, I want to have passed my driving test and be driving around and have my own car and be able to go out and explore places which I've always wanted to go. When I finish my A-levels in July 2016, I plan to take time off and just find my feet and decide what I really want to do with my life. I want to go abroad and relax with people I love spending time with.
So yeah, sorry if this has been a rambling blog, but there was a fair amount which I wanted to say.
Bye guys
Sorry I didn't post yesterday, I wasn't in the house to post a blog. Nothing interesting is happening with the teeth, they still look the same as they did last week. They are getting there slowly.
School is my priority right now, as this is my A-levels and I really need to knuckle down and get these 2 years over and done with. I am trying to balance doing frequent blogs and doing school work, which at times can be tricky with the work load I receive. I also am trying to balance my social life as well as blogging and school. As soon as I have a routine, blogs will be frequent but for the mean time, bear with me.
As it is my last year, I've started to predict and almost plan my future. I've tried to think of an appropriate time about when I think I will be getting my braces off, and I think this will be around December-January 2015. Also, around the time of December-January 2015, I want to have passed my driving test and be driving around and have my own car and be able to go out and explore places which I've always wanted to go. When I finish my A-levels in July 2016, I plan to take time off and just find my feet and decide what I really want to do with my life. I want to go abroad and relax with people I love spending time with.
So yeah, sorry if this has been a rambling blog, but there was a fair amount which I wanted to say.
Bye guys
Wednesday, 12 November 2014
Monday, 10 November 2014
Day 21: Progress, Achiness and Stress
Hi guys,
I have took some photos, however I'm going to do a separate blog on Wednesday, which will just contain photos and no chit chat. I would do it tomorrow, however I'm not going to be in to upload them. But basically, you can kind of see that my teeth are beginning to straighten out. I do feel like I've made a lot of progress. I've been looking at old photos of my teeth and I've been gobsmacked at the sheer difference in my teeth.
I have been experiencing a tiny amount of achiness in my teeth, mainly in my molars. I have no idea why this is, but its not been extremely painful that I've needed to take ibuprofen.
Recently, I've been under a lot of stress with coursework. I've been suffering with frequent bursts of headaches, which have been going on for a couple of weeks now. I wake up with them and I've gone to bed with them. Taking Paracetomol doesn't work, and I've also tired to drink some more water, because I thought I was dehydrated but it turns out that's not the case. I think its because most of the subjects which I have chosen to take for A-levels are mainly focused on using a computer and involve spending a good 4-5 hours a day in front of a computer screen and that's taking a toll on my eyes.
Anyway, enough of me rambling! If anyone has any questions, feel free to direct message me on my twitter which is @dehrhiaaan or email me at bracefacemyjourney@gmail.com
Bye guys
I have took some photos, however I'm going to do a separate blog on Wednesday, which will just contain photos and no chit chat. I would do it tomorrow, however I'm not going to be in to upload them. But basically, you can kind of see that my teeth are beginning to straighten out. I do feel like I've made a lot of progress. I've been looking at old photos of my teeth and I've been gobsmacked at the sheer difference in my teeth.
I have been experiencing a tiny amount of achiness in my teeth, mainly in my molars. I have no idea why this is, but its not been extremely painful that I've needed to take ibuprofen.
Recently, I've been under a lot of stress with coursework. I've been suffering with frequent bursts of headaches, which have been going on for a couple of weeks now. I wake up with them and I've gone to bed with them. Taking Paracetomol doesn't work, and I've also tired to drink some more water, because I thought I was dehydrated but it turns out that's not the case. I think its because most of the subjects which I have chosen to take for A-levels are mainly focused on using a computer and involve spending a good 4-5 hours a day in front of a computer screen and that's taking a toll on my eyes.
Anyway, enough of me rambling! If anyone has any questions, feel free to direct message me on my twitter which is @dehrhiaaan or email me at bracefacemyjourney@gmail.com
Bye guys
Monday, 3 November 2014
Day 14:Hectic half term, work and progression
Hi guys,
There's not going to be photos until next week and yes I do have reasons for this. On Wednesday I was in hospital. NOT FOR ME, IM FINE. Basically there was a bit of an incident involving fingers and scissors and I did it, so I went to the hospital with the person I accidentally did it to. Then, I went to the fireworks on Saturday and then I had work and the fireworks on Sunday. I also went ice skating on Tuesday so its been a bit of a hectic half term and I've just not had the time to take photos with work and coursework and all of that.
My teeth have started to slow down a bit now and aren't moving as fast as they were on the first week. They are moving, but the progress is slow. I'm hoping to find time this weekend to take some photos for next weeks blog to show you what they look like at 3 weeks.
So yeah sorry its short and sweet and not exactly exciting but there's not enough going on for me to talk about in detail.
Bye guys
There's not going to be photos until next week and yes I do have reasons for this. On Wednesday I was in hospital. NOT FOR ME, IM FINE. Basically there was a bit of an incident involving fingers and scissors and I did it, so I went to the hospital with the person I accidentally did it to. Then, I went to the fireworks on Saturday and then I had work and the fireworks on Sunday. I also went ice skating on Tuesday so its been a bit of a hectic half term and I've just not had the time to take photos with work and coursework and all of that.
My teeth have started to slow down a bit now and aren't moving as fast as they were on the first week. They are moving, but the progress is slow. I'm hoping to find time this weekend to take some photos for next weeks blog to show you what they look like at 3 weeks.
So yeah sorry its short and sweet and not exactly exciting but there's not enough going on for me to talk about in detail.
Bye guys
Monday, 27 October 2014
Day 7: Eating, Brushing, and Bad Habits
Hi guys,
So its been one week since I've had my braces. There isn't going to be photos because the only difference between last week and this week is that my front two teeth are now straight. The other front teeth are still crooked.
The hardest part of this week has probably been eating. Because my front teeth were tender, I had to use my molars to bite and chew. On the first day it took me around 20 minutes to eat a small galaxy bar. As I've got used to it my speed has increased and I'm now back to eating tougher foods again, for example potatoes, crispy chips, etc.
Brushing has been weird as well. My new toothbrush is a life saver to get in-between the brackets and nooks and cranny's of my teeth. It works a treat. Mouthwash is also a life saver for maintaining healthy teeth and gums. Another life saver was the little interdental brushes which have been handy for getting out little bits of food which I can feel in my braces.
Bad habits have been the death of me this week. My worst habit and addiction is chewing gum. I love chewing gum and even with braces, I've been chewing gum. But I have a sugar free one so its not packed with sugar and its minty. Another bad habit is fizzy drinks. I love fizzy drinks so drinking them through a straw has been difficult and really weird. I'm sure in time I'll get rid of my bad habits but for now its tough.
So yeah, next week I will probably have some photos for you, but its' purely because not a lot is happening right now. They have moved a considerable amount and for that I am happy, but they haven't moved enough to talk about them in detail.
Bye guys.
So its been one week since I've had my braces. There isn't going to be photos because the only difference between last week and this week is that my front two teeth are now straight. The other front teeth are still crooked.
The hardest part of this week has probably been eating. Because my front teeth were tender, I had to use my molars to bite and chew. On the first day it took me around 20 minutes to eat a small galaxy bar. As I've got used to it my speed has increased and I'm now back to eating tougher foods again, for example potatoes, crispy chips, etc.
Brushing has been weird as well. My new toothbrush is a life saver to get in-between the brackets and nooks and cranny's of my teeth. It works a treat. Mouthwash is also a life saver for maintaining healthy teeth and gums. Another life saver was the little interdental brushes which have been handy for getting out little bits of food which I can feel in my braces.
Bad habits have been the death of me this week. My worst habit and addiction is chewing gum. I love chewing gum and even with braces, I've been chewing gum. But I have a sugar free one so its not packed with sugar and its minty. Another bad habit is fizzy drinks. I love fizzy drinks so drinking them through a straw has been difficult and really weird. I'm sure in time I'll get rid of my bad habits but for now its tough.
So yeah, next week I will probably have some photos for you, but its' purely because not a lot is happening right now. They have moved a considerable amount and for that I am happy, but they haven't moved enough to talk about them in detail.
Bye guys.
Monday, 20 October 2014
Day 1: Braces on and teeth pack
Hi guys,
So I got my brace on today. I got them put on just over two hours ago and I can only feel a slight bit of pressure but its not as bad as everyone made it out to be. I haven't had to take any pain killers yet so fingers crossed it doesn't get too bad. I've took some photos of my teeth now and the pack which we bought for my braces.
The first thing that came in my braces pack was disclosing tablets. What disclosing tablets are tablets which you chew and move around your mouth. Then once you've done that, the disclosing tablets stick to the plaque on your teeth and you are left with purple stains on your teeth which show your where you have not been brushing. Then you brush it all off and the idea is that you have done an effective brush and you can see which areas you miss on a regular basis.

The tablets I have are purple, however they can come in different colours. Some disclosing tablets come in pink or blue. The colour is usually vivid so that the areas of plaque can be seen. They are round and there are 10 in my pack.
The next thing in my pack is this toothbrush which is specially designed for people with orthodontic appliances. The bristles on the brush are of different lengths and sizes in order to fit in the tight and tough bits of the braces. I don't know if I will use this or just sit with my electric one that I have now, but I'm not 100%. Below is photos of the top of the toothbrush from the sides.

The next thing in my pack was 5 interdental brushes. I got 4 ones which are of different sizes and colours, and then I have one travel set one which I can bring to school and different places.
The interdental brushes are designed to fit between the brackets and clean the wires and the sides of the brackets. Also the tiny little interdental brushes can fit in between my teeth and almost floss them which saves me time.
I then got some mouthwash, which is specially designed for orthodontic appliances. Its called swirl plus, I don't know if you can get it at your local store, but I just got given it from my orthodontist. I don't know if your orthodontist gives you mouthwash which is similar, but just using a fluoride free toothpaste and mouthwash is fine.
The final two things in my orthodontic pack was a 2 minute timer and some orthodontic wax.
The timer is designed to help me to brush my teeth for the correct amount of time and it also will help to ensure that my oral hygiene is kept on tip top condition.
The wax is designed to cover over areas which are causing pain and discomfort. As you can see I have used a little on the back of my braces as I have these hooks which are cutting my gums. I don't know why my wax is red, normally orthodontic wax is white, but its not a problem.

The final part of this blog, and probably the part you've been waiting for... my teeth. Here you are. I only got my top braces on for now but in time I will get my bottom braces. I don't have colours because I have these special ones which pull back your teeth at a very fast pace. I don't have hooks on my brackets but I have hooks on the bit which holds the wire in place.
So that's everything! Hope you enjoyed this update. I think I'm going to do weekly updates every Monday with photos and stuff she you can see the difference in my teeth as the weeks go by.
Bye guys
So I got my brace on today. I got them put on just over two hours ago and I can only feel a slight bit of pressure but its not as bad as everyone made it out to be. I haven't had to take any pain killers yet so fingers crossed it doesn't get too bad. I've took some photos of my teeth now and the pack which we bought for my braces.
The first thing that came in my braces pack was disclosing tablets. What disclosing tablets are tablets which you chew and move around your mouth. Then once you've done that, the disclosing tablets stick to the plaque on your teeth and you are left with purple stains on your teeth which show your where you have not been brushing. Then you brush it all off and the idea is that you have done an effective brush and you can see which areas you miss on a regular basis.
The tablets I have are purple, however they can come in different colours. Some disclosing tablets come in pink or blue. The colour is usually vivid so that the areas of plaque can be seen. They are round and there are 10 in my pack.
The next thing in my pack is this toothbrush which is specially designed for people with orthodontic appliances. The bristles on the brush are of different lengths and sizes in order to fit in the tight and tough bits of the braces. I don't know if I will use this or just sit with my electric one that I have now, but I'm not 100%. Below is photos of the top of the toothbrush from the sides.
The next thing in my pack was 5 interdental brushes. I got 4 ones which are of different sizes and colours, and then I have one travel set one which I can bring to school and different places.
The interdental brushes are designed to fit between the brackets and clean the wires and the sides of the brackets. Also the tiny little interdental brushes can fit in between my teeth and almost floss them which saves me time.
I then got some mouthwash, which is specially designed for orthodontic appliances. Its called swirl plus, I don't know if you can get it at your local store, but I just got given it from my orthodontist. I don't know if your orthodontist gives you mouthwash which is similar, but just using a fluoride free toothpaste and mouthwash is fine.
The final two things in my orthodontic pack was a 2 minute timer and some orthodontic wax.
The timer is designed to help me to brush my teeth for the correct amount of time and it also will help to ensure that my oral hygiene is kept on tip top condition.
So that's everything! Hope you enjoyed this update. I think I'm going to do weekly updates every Monday with photos and stuff she you can see the difference in my teeth as the weeks go by.
Bye guys
Thursday, 16 October 2014
Bit of Bad News.
Hi guys
So today I was meant to be getting my braces put on at 9:45am.... well that didn't pan out how I expected. I got to the orthodontist and the orthodontist had a power cut. They said to wait, so we did and then I got told at quarter past 10 this morning that I would need to re-book my appointment. I did cry a lot because I really built myself up for it and then I got dropped at the last part.
I do have a new appointment on Monday at 9:15 so I don't have a long time to wait for my next appointment but it was really annoying to travel all that way there and be told I would have to re-book. And it didn't help that on the way back we decided to stop at McDonalds but we couldn't get in because there was road works. BUMMER.
Sorry if I have disappointed anyone but there will be photos on Monday.
Bye guys
So today I was meant to be getting my braces put on at 9:45am.... well that didn't pan out how I expected. I got to the orthodontist and the orthodontist had a power cut. They said to wait, so we did and then I got told at quarter past 10 this morning that I would need to re-book my appointment. I did cry a lot because I really built myself up for it and then I got dropped at the last part.
I do have a new appointment on Monday at 9:15 so I don't have a long time to wait for my next appointment but it was really annoying to travel all that way there and be told I would have to re-book. And it didn't help that on the way back we decided to stop at McDonalds but we couldn't get in because there was road works. BUMMER.
Sorry if I have disappointed anyone but there will be photos on Monday.
Bye guys
Wednesday, 15 October 2014
Long awaited photos!
Hi guys,
Two posts in one day, you lucky readers! So far I am savouring my last day before I get my braces. I've had coke, galaxy, chewing gum, and éclairs! But here are some photos of my teeth today.
This is currently what my teeth look like. If you go back to the blog post linked below, then you can see what my teeth looked like last august. This is what they look like now. They have definitely got whiter and they look much healthier. I still have a very long way to go before I have nice straight pearly whites but they will come in time. I think after getting my braces off I'm going to whiten my teeth, just to make me feel really confident in my smile.
This is what my teeth look like from both sides. Again I still have a long way to go with getting my straight teeth but I am very happy with how much they have improved since last year.
I don't think its sunk in yet that I am getting braces tomorrow, but I am sure tomorrow morning it will seem real. All my friends have been telling me about them and how much they hate their braces. I've always dreamt of having braces ever since I was 11 because all my life my teeth have been the biggest insecurity and I've never felt comfortable smiling or talking to people, so to finally be told I'm getting them is like a gods send.
I'm now going to go and get loads of bad food which I can't eat tomorrow and I think I am going to have a bath with lots of bubbles and lots of sweet smelling scents. There will be another blog tomorrow with more photos of my teeth with braces and I'll tell you what I get given (if they give me anything) and I'll let you know how I'm feeling and any advice which I would give you about getting your braces put on.
Bye guys
Two posts in one day, you lucky readers! So far I am savouring my last day before I get my braces. I've had coke, galaxy, chewing gum, and éclairs! But here are some photos of my teeth today.
This is currently what my teeth look like. If you go back to the blog post linked below, then you can see what my teeth looked like last august. This is what they look like now. They have definitely got whiter and they look much healthier. I still have a very long way to go before I have nice straight pearly whites but they will come in time. I think after getting my braces off I'm going to whiten my teeth, just to make me feel really confident in my smile.
This is what my teeth look like from both sides. Again I still have a long way to go with getting my straight teeth but I am very happy with how much they have improved since last year.
I don't think its sunk in yet that I am getting braces tomorrow, but I am sure tomorrow morning it will seem real. All my friends have been telling me about them and how much they hate their braces. I've always dreamt of having braces ever since I was 11 because all my life my teeth have been the biggest insecurity and I've never felt comfortable smiling or talking to people, so to finally be told I'm getting them is like a gods send.
I'm now going to go and get loads of bad food which I can't eat tomorrow and I think I am going to have a bath with lots of bubbles and lots of sweet smelling scents. There will be another blog tomorrow with more photos of my teeth with braces and I'll tell you what I get given (if they give me anything) and I'll let you know how I'm feeling and any advice which I would give you about getting your braces put on.
Bye guys
Tuesday, 14 October 2014
Last day with naked teeth!
Hi guys
Today is my last full day with naked teeth! It's also payday today but that's not relevant. Tomorrow I will be getting my braces put on at 9:45am and then I'm going home to go to sleep, because my mum said it's not fair for me to be put through school in agony.
Tonight, me and my family are eating all the foods I can't eat, almost like a farewell party to everything I can't have. So we will eat Doritos, popcorn, fizzy drinks, bubble gum etc. I will try my hardest to post another blog tonight with photos of my teeth now and the food and just everything I feel is necessary.
So yeah, I'm going to savour this last full day with naked teeth!
Bye guys
Today is my last full day with naked teeth! It's also payday today but that's not relevant. Tomorrow I will be getting my braces put on at 9:45am and then I'm going home to go to sleep, because my mum said it's not fair for me to be put through school in agony.
Tonight, me and my family are eating all the foods I can't eat, almost like a farewell party to everything I can't have. So we will eat Doritos, popcorn, fizzy drinks, bubble gum etc. I will try my hardest to post another blog tonight with photos of my teeth now and the food and just everything I feel is necessary.
So yeah, I'm going to savour this last full day with naked teeth!
Bye guys
Sunday, 12 October 2014
Fast approaching!
Hi guys,
I cannot believe that in like 4days I'm going to have braces. It's insane how fast the 16th October is come around! I am starting to feel nervous about how I'm going to cope with the pain as my pain threshold is not amazing, but I'm sure I'll be alright after some strong painkillers and a nap.
I have a feeling that Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday are going to fly by and before I know it, It will be Thursday and I'll be getting my braces at around 10am. I feel like I'm ready to start my journey to straight teeth now, and fingers crossed there is no complications and it's just a smooth and steady journey to the finishing line.
I will try and get my camera working, I have batteries for it but I can't actually find the camera itself, so I will hunt it down and take some snaps for you all because photos speak for themselve I feel.
Anyway, I'm going to go and i will update you on Thursday!
Bye guys.
I cannot believe that in like 4days I'm going to have braces. It's insane how fast the 16th October is come around! I am starting to feel nervous about how I'm going to cope with the pain as my pain threshold is not amazing, but I'm sure I'll be alright after some strong painkillers and a nap.
I have a feeling that Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday are going to fly by and before I know it, It will be Thursday and I'll be getting my braces at around 10am. I feel like I'm ready to start my journey to straight teeth now, and fingers crossed there is no complications and it's just a smooth and steady journey to the finishing line.
I will try and get my camera working, I have batteries for it but I can't actually find the camera itself, so I will hunt it down and take some snaps for you all because photos speak for themselve I feel.
Anyway, I'm going to go and i will update you on Thursday!
Bye guys.
Sunday, 28 September 2014
Hi guys,
17 days! Eeeeeeek! Now that it's real that I'm getting my braces it's almost like I just want them now, but also now that I know it's happening, every social media I go on, there is someone or something to do with braces. It's like it's haunting me!
I've started to watch more braces 101 type videos just to get ideas and tips on looking after them and caring for them. I've also prepared a day on the 15th October where I'm going to eat all the foods and drink all the drinks that I won't be able to from the 16th onwards. This will consist of:
17 days! Eeeeeeek! Now that it's real that I'm getting my braces it's almost like I just want them now, but also now that I know it's happening, every social media I go on, there is someone or something to do with braces. It's like it's haunting me!
I've started to watch more braces 101 type videos just to get ideas and tips on looking after them and caring for them. I've also prepared a day on the 15th October where I'm going to eat all the foods and drink all the drinks that I won't be able to from the 16th onwards. This will consist of:
- Hard candy
- Caramel
- Toffee
- Pizza crusts
- Nuts
- Popcorn
- Crusty bread
- Corn on the cob
- Tortillas
- Chewing gum
And I have to be careful not to chew on pens, pencils, ice and bones that you get with chicken and to avoid foods with hidden sugars. This is probably the only part about braces I'm not looking forward to, but everything else I'm looking forward to.
Be prepared for some photo type blogs soon, because when I do have my braces I'm going to do monthly photos of my teeth and stuff and then make a collage of them at the end of my braces process. Also I'm thinking of doing some tip blogs (cleaning, looking after them, what I use with my braces, do's and don'ts) or Q&A style blogs so be prepared for that.
Bye guys
Tuesday, 23 September 2014
I'm back, exciting news and life updates...
Hi guys,
I'm back! A-levels are a lot harder than I thought and I'm finding it a bit difficult to find time at the moment to blog and catch up. But I had my orthodontist appointment today and I have a LOT to say. So be prepared...
I'm getting fixed braces on the 16th October! AND NO EXTRACTIONS! Basically my orthodontist wants to start with no extractions at first and then if he feels that I need to have teeth removed during the process, then he can just pop the brackets off, remove the teeth and then but the brace back on! I cannot put into words how happy I am about my next appointment! I'm getting a type of fixed brace which doesn't have colours on them at first, but after a while he said I could start to get colours on my braces.
I am sorting out my camera this week, so I can prepare for some photos for the blog. I feel as though words don't really cut the biscuit, whereas photos can speak for themselves. I will try my absolute hardest to get a blog routine together, however A-levels have kind of took over my life at the moment.
So yeah, I hope you guys are just as excited as I am! I'm finally moving on!
Bye guys,
I'm back! A-levels are a lot harder than I thought and I'm finding it a bit difficult to find time at the moment to blog and catch up. But I had my orthodontist appointment today and I have a LOT to say. So be prepared...
I'm getting fixed braces on the 16th October! AND NO EXTRACTIONS! Basically my orthodontist wants to start with no extractions at first and then if he feels that I need to have teeth removed during the process, then he can just pop the brackets off, remove the teeth and then but the brace back on! I cannot put into words how happy I am about my next appointment! I'm getting a type of fixed brace which doesn't have colours on them at first, but after a while he said I could start to get colours on my braces.
I am sorting out my camera this week, so I can prepare for some photos for the blog. I feel as though words don't really cut the biscuit, whereas photos can speak for themselves. I will try my absolute hardest to get a blog routine together, however A-levels have kind of took over my life at the moment.
So yeah, I hope you guys are just as excited as I am! I'm finally moving on!
Bye guys,
Sunday, 31 August 2014
Holiday and school and teeth...
Hi guys,
So I'm back from my 1 week ish (Sunday-Friday) holiday in Selsey. It was really fun even though it rained nearly every day and we spent most of the holiday playing darts, playing pool, playing in the arcades, and eating slush puppies. On Thursday we ventured out to Portsmouth to look at the submarines. This probably wasn't the best thing because I am claustrophobic and if you've been on a submarine before, then you'll know they are tight, compact and very claustrophobic. And it didn't help that whilst we were looking round so were 30 others...
Whilst I was on holiday though, I didn't wear my brace as much as I should've, so since I've been back i have worn it every night and my front teeth have straightened out again which is really good.
I go back to school in 5 days, I'm back on the 4th September studying Health and Social Care, ICT Double and Single and Travel and Tourism. I don't want to go back to school, I feel like I need longer off to mentally prepare myself for the large quantities of work I will get.
Anyway, I should hopefully start getting into a routine again of posting on certain days, it's just been hard with preparing myself for school (getting supplies, sorting out my bag, sorting out my bus pass, blah blah blah) so once I'm back at school I'll let you know what days I will be blogging.
Bye guys
So I'm back from my 1 week ish (Sunday-Friday) holiday in Selsey. It was really fun even though it rained nearly every day and we spent most of the holiday playing darts, playing pool, playing in the arcades, and eating slush puppies. On Thursday we ventured out to Portsmouth to look at the submarines. This probably wasn't the best thing because I am claustrophobic and if you've been on a submarine before, then you'll know they are tight, compact and very claustrophobic. And it didn't help that whilst we were looking round so were 30 others...
Whilst I was on holiday though, I didn't wear my brace as much as I should've, so since I've been back i have worn it every night and my front teeth have straightened out again which is really good.
I go back to school in 5 days, I'm back on the 4th September studying Health and Social Care, ICT Double and Single and Travel and Tourism. I don't want to go back to school, I feel like I need longer off to mentally prepare myself for the large quantities of work I will get.
Anyway, I should hopefully start getting into a routine again of posting on certain days, it's just been hard with preparing myself for school (getting supplies, sorting out my bag, sorting out my bus pass, blah blah blah) so once I'm back at school I'll let you know what days I will be blogging.
Bye guys
Friday, 22 August 2014
Hi guys,
Sorry for lack of posts, I've had a hectic summer holiday catching up with summer work and packing for my holiday and preparing for school in 2 weeks time. Yesterday was results day and I did really well and achieved 11 A*-C grades, I passed maths as well which was a bonus!
My appointment is in 32 days and nerves are kicking in because soon I will be losing 4 of my precious teeth. But it's all for a good reason which is to have straight shiny teeth and a fab smile. I'm still wearing my twin block at night but apart from that nothing is really happening that's worth blogging about.
I won't be blogging for the rest of August because I'm holiday and preparing for school on the 4th September. But as soon as I'm back at the ortho and in a routine, I will start to blog more.
Bye guys
Sorry for lack of posts, I've had a hectic summer holiday catching up with summer work and packing for my holiday and preparing for school in 2 weeks time. Yesterday was results day and I did really well and achieved 11 A*-C grades, I passed maths as well which was a bonus!
My appointment is in 32 days and nerves are kicking in because soon I will be losing 4 of my precious teeth. But it's all for a good reason which is to have straight shiny teeth and a fab smile. I'm still wearing my twin block at night but apart from that nothing is really happening that's worth blogging about.
I won't be blogging for the rest of August because I'm holiday and preparing for school on the 4th September. But as soon as I'm back at the ortho and in a routine, I will start to blog more.
Bye guys
Thursday, 7 August 2014
Long time, no post...
Hi guys,
Sorry for not posting for a LONG time. I have had so much summer work and things going on that I have just had no time at all. Also there's really not been a lot to blog about seeing as I'm still wearing my twin block at night time and everything is going fine as usual. I just don't want to be blogging if the post is the same old cliché stuff.
But anyway HAPPY AUGUST! I hope your all having a good summer holiday and staying safe in the sun. I've been meeting up with mates and going swimming and shopping and summer work. I'm going on holiday from the 24th-29th of August so I won't be blogging as much that week purely because there will be a lack of wi-fi.
I have some really important dates coming up:
-21st August is results day
-24th August is holiday
-4th September is back to school day
-near the end of September is appointment day
So yeah, little quick update about what's been going on and what is going on in the future. Be prepared for some more tags in the future.
Bye guys,
Sorry for not posting for a LONG time. I have had so much summer work and things going on that I have just had no time at all. Also there's really not been a lot to blog about seeing as I'm still wearing my twin block at night time and everything is going fine as usual. I just don't want to be blogging if the post is the same old cliché stuff.
But anyway HAPPY AUGUST! I hope your all having a good summer holiday and staying safe in the sun. I've been meeting up with mates and going swimming and shopping and summer work. I'm going on holiday from the 24th-29th of August so I won't be blogging as much that week purely because there will be a lack of wi-fi.
I have some really important dates coming up:
-21st August is results day
-24th August is holiday
-4th September is back to school day
-near the end of September is appointment day
So yeah, little quick update about what's been going on and what is going on in the future. Be prepared for some more tags in the future.
Bye guys,
Tuesday, 15 July 2014
Boring blog post..
Hi guys,
Sorry for lack of posts. Not a lot has been happening. I was sick the other night(10th) so I couldn't wear my brace that night because vomit kept getting stuck in it. Yeah that's about it for teeth.
My prom was on the 11th and it was AMAZING! Maybe I will do a prom blog post and include pictures for you to look at. I also what to do some more tags because there is really not a lot happening this summer regarding my mouth and my nashers(teeth).
Bye guys,
Sorry for lack of posts. Not a lot has been happening. I was sick the other night(10th) so I couldn't wear my brace that night because vomit kept getting stuck in it. Yeah that's about it for teeth.
My prom was on the 11th and it was AMAZING! Maybe I will do a prom blog post and include pictures for you to look at. I also what to do some more tags because there is really not a lot happening this summer regarding my mouth and my nashers(teeth).
Bye guys,
Thursday, 10 July 2014
Talking about the night routine
Hi guys,
The night routine I am currently doing with the twin block is going really good. It feels really weird not wearing it after eating meals and wearing it during the day. It feels really good not having to wear it during the day, and because I don't have to wear it during the day, my confidence has increased immensely.
I changed my appointment because it was originally on the 9th September, however that is the day I start sixth form, so we decided to change it to the 23rd September at 3:45pm so that I could get used to being in sixth form for a few weeks.
Bye guys,
The night routine I am currently doing with the twin block is going really good. It feels really weird not wearing it after eating meals and wearing it during the day. It feels really good not having to wear it during the day, and because I don't have to wear it during the day, my confidence has increased immensely.
I changed my appointment because it was originally on the 9th September, however that is the day I start sixth form, so we decided to change it to the 23rd September at 3:45pm so that I could get used to being in sixth form for a few weeks.
Bye guys,
Monday, 7 July 2014
Hi guys,
Today is the day I tell you all the important news!
Here is a photo of my teeth this morning at around 11ish:

I deeply apologise for the poor quality, my camera has no working
batteries so I can't take professional photos. My front two teeth have really straightened out however this makes my chip in my tooth more prominent. I don't actually know how I got this chip, but I have had it for a while now.
Anyway, onto what the orthodontist said. They said that Phase 1 is over! I have to wear my twin block at night time. My next appointment is on the 9th September where the main orthodontist will talk about Phase 2 which is extractions! I'm so happy and I can't stop smiling it's really weird but I love it.
Finally moving on!
Bye guys
Saturday, 5 July 2014
Questions on the Twin Block
Hi guys,
2days and I'm back at the orthodontist! But I thought I'd answer a few questions before I (hopefully) no longer have to wear it.
1. How long have you had to wear the Twin Block for?
I got mine on the 27th of January and they said I would have it for 6 months. It has roughly been six months and I'm going back this Monday to talk about what will happen.
2. Does it hurt at first?
Mine did hurt at first for about an hour but then I took some ibuprofen and I was fine, but yes it was sore and uncomfortable.
3. Did you have to remove it for eating?
Yes I did have to do this, but I know many people who didn't have to remove it, but to eat with the twin block is virtually impossible.
4. How do you clean your Twin Block?
I use cold water and brush over the surface of the brace with a soft bristled toothbrush. You can use toothpaste if you wish but I don't because my orthodontist told me not to do that.
5. What does the Twin Block do?
My Twin Block pushes my top jaw backwards and my bottom jaw forwards because I used to have a 7.5mm overbite which needed to be sorted out. Some people have the twin block but there's might do the opposite. It depends on your bite.
6. What would you recommend for someone who has just got the Twin Block?
Wear it, because I have been quite bad with mine and that's why after my appointment on Monday, I still have to wear it at night. Also, you will have a lispe and you won't want to wear it but trust me it will improve the more you speak and the more you wear it and practice. When you first get the Twin Block, your lips won't meet and you'll look a bit funny but you'll get used to that as your mouth gets used to it.
I hope this helped anybody who is getting the Twin Block or has the Twin Block right now and wants a bit of advice. I will next be posting on Monday sometime in the afternoon/evening.
Bye guys.
2days and I'm back at the orthodontist! But I thought I'd answer a few questions before I (hopefully) no longer have to wear it.
1. How long have you had to wear the Twin Block for?
I got mine on the 27th of January and they said I would have it for 6 months. It has roughly been six months and I'm going back this Monday to talk about what will happen.
2. Does it hurt at first?
Mine did hurt at first for about an hour but then I took some ibuprofen and I was fine, but yes it was sore and uncomfortable.
3. Did you have to remove it for eating?
Yes I did have to do this, but I know many people who didn't have to remove it, but to eat with the twin block is virtually impossible.
4. How do you clean your Twin Block?
I use cold water and brush over the surface of the brace with a soft bristled toothbrush. You can use toothpaste if you wish but I don't because my orthodontist told me not to do that.
5. What does the Twin Block do?
My Twin Block pushes my top jaw backwards and my bottom jaw forwards because I used to have a 7.5mm overbite which needed to be sorted out. Some people have the twin block but there's might do the opposite. It depends on your bite.
6. What would you recommend for someone who has just got the Twin Block?
Wear it, because I have been quite bad with mine and that's why after my appointment on Monday, I still have to wear it at night. Also, you will have a lispe and you won't want to wear it but trust me it will improve the more you speak and the more you wear it and practice. When you first get the Twin Block, your lips won't meet and you'll look a bit funny but you'll get used to that as your mouth gets used to it.
I hope this helped anybody who is getting the Twin Block or has the Twin Block right now and wants a bit of advice. I will next be posting on Monday sometime in the afternoon/evening.
Bye guys.
Thursday, 3 July 2014
Exciting things..
Hi guys,
HAPPY JULY! Lots of exciting things are happening this month (including teeth!).
7th July- orthodontist appointment
11th July- prom
18th July- helping out at a balloon race
20th July- my birthday
Now, I know there is not very many exciting teeth things, but I'm hoping that I will have some appointment at the end of July involving extractions. And this means photos, longer blogs, and more blogs which is good. I feel like I am boring you with the same old cliché scenarios each time I post. I'm sorry if I do but its all just going so slow and I sometimes don't know what to talk about. I hope you can understand.
Anyway, keep excited because this month is going to be full of celebrations, and sunshine and all good things!
Bye guys
HAPPY JULY! Lots of exciting things are happening this month (including teeth!).
7th July- orthodontist appointment
11th July- prom
18th July- helping out at a balloon race
20th July- my birthday
Now, I know there is not very many exciting teeth things, but I'm hoping that I will have some appointment at the end of July involving extractions. And this means photos, longer blogs, and more blogs which is good. I feel like I am boring you with the same old cliché scenarios each time I post. I'm sorry if I do but its all just going so slow and I sometimes don't know what to talk about. I hope you can understand.
Anyway, keep excited because this month is going to be full of celebrations, and sunshine and all good things!
Bye guys
Monday, 30 June 2014
154 days ago...
Hi guys,
I got my twin block appliance on the 27th January 2014 and that was 154 days ago. My appointment is in 6days which means I would have had the twin block for 160 days. I cannot comprehend how long that sounds but how short it feels. I can't believe that I have still got my lispe 154 days down the line and I still have not got used to it.
I cannot wait until my next appointment because it may mean I can move on(which you already know from many previous blog posts) and then I can get my teeth extracted and get train tracks. This will bring good and bad things; the good things being that there will be *fingers crossed* no more weird appliances that pull and push my teeth(apart from my retainers but they do not amount to the expander or twin block). The bad things are pressure, headaches, probably rubber bands, and probably 2ish years with braces, meaning I will be 16 when I get them and around 17-18 when I get them removed. BUMMER.
Bye guys,
I got my twin block appliance on the 27th January 2014 and that was 154 days ago. My appointment is in 6days which means I would have had the twin block for 160 days. I cannot comprehend how long that sounds but how short it feels. I can't believe that I have still got my lispe 154 days down the line and I still have not got used to it.
I cannot wait until my next appointment because it may mean I can move on(which you already know from many previous blog posts) and then I can get my teeth extracted and get train tracks. This will bring good and bad things; the good things being that there will be *fingers crossed* no more weird appliances that pull and push my teeth(apart from my retainers but they do not amount to the expander or twin block). The bad things are pressure, headaches, probably rubber bands, and probably 2ish years with braces, meaning I will be 16 when I get them and around 17-18 when I get them removed. BUMMER.
Bye guys,
Sunday, 29 June 2014
Hi guys,
7 days until my next appointment! Sorry for the lack of posts, nothing exciting has been happening with the teeth apart from the moving and stuff.
I'm hoping at the next appointment they say good stuff such as 'we can move on with treatment' instead of saying 'we can't move on'. I always get my hopes up and predict what will happen but it never actually happens.
Anyway, short and sweet little update.
Bye guys
7 days until my next appointment! Sorry for the lack of posts, nothing exciting has been happening with the teeth apart from the moving and stuff.
I'm hoping at the next appointment they say good stuff such as 'we can move on with treatment' instead of saying 'we can't move on'. I always get my hopes up and predict what will happen but it never actually happens.
Anyway, short and sweet little update.
Bye guys
Wednesday, 25 June 2014
Hi guys,
Quick apology for not posting a blog post the previous days I was meant to. . Nothing exciting has happened so I didn't feel the need to upload if it was going to be the same old 'my teeth are still moving' scenario. I hope you can understand.
My next appointment is in 11days and I'm excited as I should hopefully be moving on from the twin block. My gums keep reacting to the bottom brace and swelling up, so at the moment I am only wearing the top one as the bottom one hurts to much to actually put it in and keep it in. I had to take it out last night at around 11pm because it was so painful.
Anyway hopefully you understand my little apology and are excited to move on from the twin block as much as I am.
Bye guys,
Quick apology for not posting a blog post the previous days I was meant to. . Nothing exciting has happened so I didn't feel the need to upload if it was going to be the same old 'my teeth are still moving' scenario. I hope you can understand.
My next appointment is in 11days and I'm excited as I should hopefully be moving on from the twin block. My gums keep reacting to the bottom brace and swelling up, so at the moment I am only wearing the top one as the bottom one hurts to much to actually put it in and keep it in. I had to take it out last night at around 11pm because it was so painful.
Anyway hopefully you understand my little apology and are excited to move on from the twin block as much as I am.
Bye guys,
Wednesday, 18 June 2014
249days ago...
Hi guys,
Once again, I was pondering about how many days ago I started this blog. I started my blog on the 12th of October last year, and I started it to help people who may be undergoing similar treatment to me. I wanted to assure people that going to the orthodontist and getting all these appliances is fine. Ever since I knew I needed braces I was always going onto people's blogs and seeing how much their teeth have changed and how they coped with the whole process of braces.
I hope this blog has helped somebody out there in any way. I never thought that my blog would have nearly 500 page views and I haven't being doing this blog for even a whole year.
Anyway, thanks for nearly 500 page views and thank you for reading my blog. It makes me very happy that somebody (or some people) actually like my blog and read it.
Bye guys,
Once again, I was pondering about how many days ago I started this blog. I started my blog on the 12th of October last year, and I started it to help people who may be undergoing similar treatment to me. I wanted to assure people that going to the orthodontist and getting all these appliances is fine. Ever since I knew I needed braces I was always going onto people's blogs and seeing how much their teeth have changed and how they coped with the whole process of braces.
I hope this blog has helped somebody out there in any way. I never thought that my blog would have nearly 500 page views and I haven't being doing this blog for even a whole year.
Anyway, thanks for nearly 500 page views and thank you for reading my blog. It makes me very happy that somebody (or some people) actually like my blog and read it.
Bye guys,
Saturday, 14 June 2014
Hi guys,
Well it looks like posting yesterday didn't work out. SORRY. I'm really not well at the moment I have cramps and mood swings. It's that time of the month. My teeth are moving fine, I've left school officially! My exams finished on Friday 13th and now I am bored at home and this means more blogs, more photos and more good things coming your way!
Bye guys,
Well it looks like posting yesterday didn't work out. SORRY. I'm really not well at the moment I have cramps and mood swings. It's that time of the month. My teeth are moving fine, I've left school officially! My exams finished on Friday 13th and now I am bored at home and this means more blogs, more photos and more good things coming your way!
Bye guys,
Wednesday, 11 June 2014
quick update....
Hi guys,
This is gonna be an uber short blog but just wanted to clear up why I didn't upload yesterday. I am currently on my last week of exams, which is great. I am also currently ill and that is why no post was posted yesterday.
Sorry if this made no sense I have no energy to type or anything and my sentences seem to make zero sense right now.
Teeth are fine (as per usual).
Bye guys,
This is gonna be an uber short blog but just wanted to clear up why I didn't upload yesterday. I am currently on my last week of exams, which is great. I am also currently ill and that is why no post was posted yesterday.
Sorry if this made no sense I have no energy to type or anything and my sentences seem to make zero sense right now.
Teeth are fine (as per usual).
Bye guys,
Saturday, 7 June 2014
End of week update...
Hi guys,
I thought I would do a little end of week update on teeth and life.
Teeth are great(as per usual)feel a bit better about the whole extraction scenario. Haven't really thought about it to be honest with these exams coming to an end.
Next week is my last week of exams and this was obviously the perfect time for me to get a stomach ache and the perfect time for me to not be sleeping because of this stomach ache... GREAT.
The blog days will be a little bit different next week. I will be uploading on the Tuesday, Friday and Sunday. This is because I have 4 exams on the Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday and the chances are that on Thursday night next week I will be revising and won't have the time to blog. The week after(16th-22nd) I will commence as normal to uploading on the Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.
Hope that made sense.
Bye guys,
P.S: I'm too tired so I can't remember the amount of days until my next appointment.....
I thought I would do a little end of week update on teeth and life.
Teeth are great(as per usual)feel a bit better about the whole extraction scenario. Haven't really thought about it to be honest with these exams coming to an end.
Next week is my last week of exams and this was obviously the perfect time for me to get a stomach ache and the perfect time for me to not be sleeping because of this stomach ache... GREAT.
The blog days will be a little bit different next week. I will be uploading on the Tuesday, Friday and Sunday. This is because I have 4 exams on the Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday and the chances are that on Thursday night next week I will be revising and won't have the time to blog. The week after(16th-22nd) I will commence as normal to uploading on the Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.
Hope that made sense.
Bye guys,
P.S: I'm too tired so I can't remember the amount of days until my next appointment.....
Thursday, 5 June 2014
Quick update...
Hi guys,
This is going to be an uber quick update because I have a biology exam tomorrow which I really want to pass(my dance exam went great in case anyone was wondering). Teeth are still moving and my gums haven't been too inflamed which is an added bonus. Umm.. I don't know what else to say really about the teeth.
I finish school in 6school days which is exciting! So yeah, 5 exams left, let's do this shizzle.
Bye guys
P.S: next appointment-31days!
This is going to be an uber quick update because I have a biology exam tomorrow which I really want to pass(my dance exam went great in case anyone was wondering). Teeth are still moving and my gums haven't been too inflamed which is an added bonus. Umm.. I don't know what else to say really about the teeth.
I finish school in 6school days which is exciting! So yeah, 5 exams left, let's do this shizzle.
Bye guys
P.S: next appointment-31days!
Tuesday, 3 June 2014
Essay on.. Random Things..
hi guys,
Lets tell you about my brace seeing as my blog is about the relevant topic. Its been a pain recently. Sometimes when I wear my bottom brace, my gums swell up around near the back of my front four lower teeth. This results in soreness and cuts on my gums. I have been told by my orthodontist that if this happens then I have to file it down with a nail file, which I did and now it is fine.
Today I gained a pesky coldsore on my lip. It hurts and stings so much but hey I'll survive. I've had frozen fruit on it for a while and it has kind of gone down which is great. I think the main reason why it has popped up: STRESS.
I've also started to panic about when I get my teeth removed in July/August time. I've done loads of research into other peoples experiences which helped a little. I mainly looked on the student room which is a great chat room, where students can chat and express any worries or concerns they have. I'm still nervous though so if anyone has had 4 teeth removed before, can you direct message me on my twitter (@dehrhiaaan) and let me know any advice or even recommend any websites that offer good advice too. This would make me happy.
Anyway, I'm off to revise Physics so I hope this little blog was helpful to anyone with a coldsore or cuts on their gums due to the twin block.
Bye guys,
Lets tell you about my brace seeing as my blog is about the relevant topic. Its been a pain recently. Sometimes when I wear my bottom brace, my gums swell up around near the back of my front four lower teeth. This results in soreness and cuts on my gums. I have been told by my orthodontist that if this happens then I have to file it down with a nail file, which I did and now it is fine.
Today I gained a pesky coldsore on my lip. It hurts and stings so much but hey I'll survive. I've had frozen fruit on it for a while and it has kind of gone down which is great. I think the main reason why it has popped up: STRESS.
I've also started to panic about when I get my teeth removed in July/August time. I've done loads of research into other peoples experiences which helped a little. I mainly looked on the student room which is a great chat room, where students can chat and express any worries or concerns they have. I'm still nervous though so if anyone has had 4 teeth removed before, can you direct message me on my twitter (@dehrhiaaan) and let me know any advice or even recommend any websites that offer good advice too. This would make me happy.
Anyway, I'm off to revise Physics so I hope this little blog was helpful to anyone with a coldsore or cuts on their gums due to the twin block.
Bye guys,
Sunday, 1 June 2014
Hi guys,
Happy 1st June! So I was pondering yesterday evening, and decided to take a photo of my teeth, just smiling normally and compare it to a photo which I took on the 6th May. Here is the photo comparison:
I was completely gobsmacked. Not only are my teeth whiter, but they appear straighter and they look healthier! I'm so proud of my oral hygiene and the cleanliness of my teeth!(IN THE TOP PHOTO, I AM NOT SMILING PROPERLY, I'M JUST DOING A WEIRD SMILE..)

I then decided to compare it to an old and familiar photo which was token before any treatment started. Here it is:
ONE WORD: WOW! Not only has the colour dramatically changed, but the front two teeth have moved a lot and my smile has improved loads! You can now see my bottom teeth when I smile!! I'm so happy with how treatment is going so far!
I still have a very long way to go but I can't believe the difference that has been made.
I have decided to upload to this blog on a Tuesday, Thursday and a Saturday. I know today is a Sunday but I really wanted to let you guys see the difference in wearing an expander and a twin block!
Bye guys.
P.S: next appointment: 35 days!

I was completely gobsmacked. Not only are my teeth whiter, but they appear straighter and they look healthier! I'm so proud of my oral hygiene and the cleanliness of my teeth!(IN THE TOP PHOTO, I AM NOT SMILING PROPERLY, I'M JUST DOING A WEIRD SMILE..)

I then decided to compare it to an old and familiar photo which was token before any treatment started. Here it is:
ONE WORD: WOW! Not only has the colour dramatically changed, but the front two teeth have moved a lot and my smile has improved loads! You can now see my bottom teeth when I smile!! I'm so happy with how treatment is going so far!
I still have a very long way to go but I can't believe the difference that has been made.
I have decided to upload to this blog on a Tuesday, Thursday and a Saturday. I know today is a Sunday but I really wanted to let you guys see the difference in wearing an expander and a twin block!
Bye guys.
P.S: next appointment: 35 days!

Sunday, 25 May 2014
Hi guys,
SORRRYYY! I feel like I always apologise for the lack of posts but life got very hectic very quickly. I thought I would explain what is going on right now including teeth wise!
Life wise- So, its currently exams week(finals week if you live in America). The last two weeks(12th-16th and 19th-23rd) have been jam packed with 7 exams. I am currently on my half term(again spring break if you live in America). After the half term I have two more weeks of exams and then I am on my summer half term. This is when photos and frequent blog posts will be happening(after the 13th June).
Teeth wise- everything is going fab. Teeth are still on the move. My next appointment I believe is on the 7th July. They say I won't have to wear my twin block during the day but only at night time. They also said while I am wearing that at night time, I should get my 4 teeth extracted and then I should get my braces. This should be around October, November time.
Again sorry for the lack of blog posts. I was thinking of doing specific days in which I upload a blog post. Let me know on my twitter which is my personal one @dehrhiaaan
Bye guys.
SORRRYYY! I feel like I always apologise for the lack of posts but life got very hectic very quickly. I thought I would explain what is going on right now including teeth wise!
Life wise- So, its currently exams week(finals week if you live in America). The last two weeks(12th-16th and 19th-23rd) have been jam packed with 7 exams. I am currently on my half term(again spring break if you live in America). After the half term I have two more weeks of exams and then I am on my summer half term. This is when photos and frequent blog posts will be happening(after the 13th June).
Teeth wise- everything is going fab. Teeth are still on the move. My next appointment I believe is on the 7th July. They say I won't have to wear my twin block during the day but only at night time. They also said while I am wearing that at night time, I should get my 4 teeth extracted and then I should get my braces. This should be around October, November time.
Again sorry for the lack of blog posts. I was thinking of doing specific days in which I upload a blog post. Let me know on my twitter which is my personal one @dehrhiaaan
Bye guys.
Wednesday, 23 April 2014
appointment blog/vlog...
Hi guys,
This isn't going to be a video but I thought it would be cool to document at what time I did what yesterday.
2:30pm-I left the prison of school and got into the car.
3:15pm-I got to the orthodontist and sat in the waiting room and waited for my name to pop up on the screen.
3:40pm-I'm out and off home.
That's literally it. I will now go into what my orthodontist said.
He said I have to wear my twin block for another 3months and then when I go back I should be able to only wear it at night. Whilst I am wearing that at night, to speed up the process of getting my train tracks, they will extract the four teeth whilst I am wearing it at night time. Then I will get my train tracks.
My next appointment is on the 7th of July which is 4 days before my prom. I should hopefully get my train tracks around September-ish.
Bye guys
P.S: there will be a lack of blogs as I have exams in May and June, but after the 13th June, blogs will be more frequent. There will also be more photo blogs.
This isn't going to be a video but I thought it would be cool to document at what time I did what yesterday.
2:30pm-I left the prison of school and got into the car.
3:15pm-I got to the orthodontist and sat in the waiting room and waited for my name to pop up on the screen.
3:40pm-I'm out and off home.
That's literally it. I will now go into what my orthodontist said.
He said I have to wear my twin block for another 3months and then when I go back I should be able to only wear it at night. Whilst I am wearing that at night, to speed up the process of getting my train tracks, they will extract the four teeth whilst I am wearing it at night time. Then I will get my train tracks.
My next appointment is on the 7th of July which is 4 days before my prom. I should hopefully get my train tracks around September-ish.
Bye guys
P.S: there will be a lack of blogs as I have exams in May and June, but after the 13th June, blogs will be more frequent. There will also be more photo blogs.
Friday, 11 April 2014
Hi guys,
Again sorry for the inconvenient lack of blog posts. It is exam week and I have to revise and I don't have the time. My next appointment is on the 22nd April in the 3:20pm. I have been noticing how much easier it is to talk without my brace in and how much easier it is to brush my teeth and smiling is considerably easier.
I promise that after my last exam (13th June) there will be more posts and more photos and more blogging-goodness.
Oh, and I deleted my twitter account as I don't really use it very often so I decided that it was easier to just have a blog instead.
Bye guys,
I promise that after my last exam (13th June) there will be more posts and more photos and more blogging-goodness.
Oh, and I deleted my twitter account as I don't really use it very often so I decided that it was easier to just have a blog instead.
Bye guys,
Tuesday, 18 March 2014
Hi guys,
Steering away from teeth, I thought I'd do the 'Get to know me' tag. Here we go:
1. Do you have a middle name?
Yes I do, it's LEIGH HOPE.
2. What was your favorite subject in school?
I like netball, bench ball and rounders.
3. What's your favorite drink?
I like lemonade and coke and coffee and water.
4. What's your favorite song at the moment?Route 94 ft Jess Glyne- my love
5. What would you name your children?
If I have a girl, Serenity and if I have a boy Max.
6. Do you participate in any sports?
No, I'm too lazy
7. What's your favorite book?
Of all time, the fault in our stars but at the moment I'm reading Hannah's gift. It's a good-un.
8. What's your favorite color?
Pink, Blue, White and Orange.
9. What's your favorite animal?
Owls, and kittens.
10. What's your favorite perfume?
Lady Gagas one.
11. What's your favorite holiday?
Christmas, and my birthday. Don't think that counts though...
12. Have you graduated from High School?
We don't have high school in Britain.
13. Have you been out of the country?
Yes, only once to Egypt.
14. Do you speak any other languages?
I used to learn French.... I don't anymore..
15. Do you have any siblings?
Yes, two younger brothers and an older step sister who I count as my sister.
16. What's your favorite store?
Primark all the way!
17. What's your favorite restaurant?
Does McDonalds count? I joke, umm Nandos??
18. Do you like school?
Yes, just don't like the teachers, stress, exams, and everything else.
19. Who are some of your favorite YouTubers?
Stilababe09, Bethany Mota, Zoella, Tanya Burr, Marcus Butler, Jim Chapman, PointlessBlog(Alfie Deyes), Thatcher Joe, um I think that's it.
20. What's your favorite movie?
Girls just want to have fun! It's a good chick flick.
21. What are some of your favorite TV shows?
I don't have a favourite I like everything to be honest.
22. PC or Mac?
Can't work Mac's so PC's
23. What phone do you have?
iPhone 4S.
24. How tall are you?
5'3 something like that.
25. Any pets?
Yes. Two fish called Barry and Belinda and a chug called Frankie.
Steering away from teeth, I thought I'd do the 'Get to know me' tag. Here we go:
1. Do you have a middle name?
Yes I do, it's LEIGH HOPE.
2. What was your favorite subject in school?
I like netball, bench ball and rounders.
3. What's your favorite drink?
I like lemonade and coke and coffee and water.
4. What's your favorite song at the moment?Route 94 ft Jess Glyne- my love
5. What would you name your children?
If I have a girl, Serenity and if I have a boy Max.
6. Do you participate in any sports?
No, I'm too lazy
7. What's your favorite book?
Of all time, the fault in our stars but at the moment I'm reading Hannah's gift. It's a good-un.
8. What's your favorite color?
Pink, Blue, White and Orange.
9. What's your favorite animal?
Owls, and kittens.
10. What's your favorite perfume?
Lady Gagas one.
11. What's your favorite holiday?
Christmas, and my birthday. Don't think that counts though...
12. Have you graduated from High School?
We don't have high school in Britain.
13. Have you been out of the country?
Yes, only once to Egypt.
14. Do you speak any other languages?
I used to learn French.... I don't anymore..
15. Do you have any siblings?
Yes, two younger brothers and an older step sister who I count as my sister.
16. What's your favorite store?
Primark all the way!
17. What's your favorite restaurant?
Does McDonalds count? I joke, umm Nandos??
18. Do you like school?
Yes, just don't like the teachers, stress, exams, and everything else.
19. Who are some of your favorite YouTubers?
Stilababe09, Bethany Mota, Zoella, Tanya Burr, Marcus Butler, Jim Chapman, PointlessBlog(Alfie Deyes), Thatcher Joe, um I think that's it.
20. What's your favorite movie?
Girls just want to have fun! It's a good chick flick.
21. What are some of your favorite TV shows?
I don't have a favourite I like everything to be honest.
22. PC or Mac?
Can't work Mac's so PC's
23. What phone do you have?
iPhone 4S.
24. How tall are you?
5'3 something like that.
25. Any pets?
Yes. Two fish called Barry and Belinda and a chug called Frankie.
Saturday, 15 March 2014
Hi guys,
Sorry for no blog, life's been hard. Mouth is still on the move, but getting a bit fed up of having to remove it all the time and clean it all the time and it's just annoying. Can't wait until I get my real ones, won't have to remove it or anything. I also hate how my mouth doesn't shut fully it's annoying..
O well, rant over. Next appointment is in April.
Bye guys,
Sorry for no blog, life's been hard. Mouth is still on the move, but getting a bit fed up of having to remove it all the time and clean it all the time and it's just annoying. Can't wait until I get my real ones, won't have to remove it or anything. I also hate how my mouth doesn't shut fully it's annoying..
O well, rant over. Next appointment is in April.
Bye guys,
Friday, 28 February 2014
Appointment info..
hi guys,
Had an orthodontist appointment today, and it looks like I will be getting my braces this year. EXCITING!
They measured my overbite/overjet today. Before I had any treatment done, I had an overbite of 7.5mm, and 5weeks later it has reduced from 4mm. They are only meant to move 1mm a month and mine moved 3.5mm in a month. My orthodontist was very impressed.
I have to wear it for another six months to make sure they don't move back and they stay put. This will take me to August, where I guess I get my 4 teeth removed and get my braces. YAY!
My next appointment is at the end of April, so I'm going to keep the faith and persevere on.
Bye guys
Had an orthodontist appointment today, and it looks like I will be getting my braces this year. EXCITING!
They measured my overbite/overjet today. Before I had any treatment done, I had an overbite of 7.5mm, and 5weeks later it has reduced from 4mm. They are only meant to move 1mm a month and mine moved 3.5mm in a month. My orthodontist was very impressed.
I have to wear it for another six months to make sure they don't move back and they stay put. This will take me to August, where I guess I get my 4 teeth removed and get my braces. YAY!
My next appointment is at the end of April, so I'm going to keep the faith and persevere on.
Bye guys
Wednesday, 26 February 2014
Twitter account...
Hi guys,
I've made a twitter account so I can answer your questions. It's @BraceFaceDerri (Derri is my nickname) so if you do have any questions feel free to ask me over twitter.
Bye guys,
I've made a twitter account so I can answer your questions. It's @BraceFaceDerri (Derri is my nickname) so if you do have any questions feel free to ask me over twitter.
Bye guys,
Tuesday, 25 February 2014
Mini update..
Hi guys,
My orthodontist appointment is this Friday at 10am, and I am quite excited. I'm not sure what they are going to say but I'm hoping its good news and not bad news.
I have gotten used to my new brace now which is good because at first I hated it.
So that's it.
Bye guys,
My orthodontist appointment is this Friday at 10am, and I am quite excited. I'm not sure what they are going to say but I'm hoping its good news and not bad news.
I have gotten used to my new brace now which is good because at first I hated it.
So that's it.
Bye guys,
Tuesday, 11 February 2014
Hi guys,
Photos! Sorry about the long wait but here are the photos of the new piece of metal/clear plastic stuff which is fitting snug in my mouth:
This is the bottom brace which is small and cute. It consists of this clear plastic stuff and little strips of metal which support the teeth. The hooks on the side go over two of my molars and it is easy to take out and put in.

And this is the top. It has two blocks on either side which help force my bottom jaw forward. It stretches the jaw muscles so that when it is removed, my jaw will be in a new place.
This is the top one, and it has a space for a key to turn it but that's only if they say I have to. Its not like my other one where I had to turn it every week. This one has a metal wire which goes over my front teeth and then two loops for my incisors and hooks for my molars.
This is the other side, You can see that this one also has blocks on it as this is a Twin Block Appliance. You can see the key bit much clearer now.
This is what it looks like when I close down. My teeth don't meet because the blocks are too big. You can see that my mouth weird and quite disgusting and gross but hey that's the process of teeth and braces.
And this is what it looks like when I bite. The blocks on the bottom brace are pushed forward and the blocks on the top brace are forced back. This is so that my bite is better before I get my braces and I begin the slow and steady process until straight and shiny teeth.
Photos! Sorry about the long wait but here are the photos of the new piece of metal/clear plastic stuff which is fitting snug in my mouth:
This is the bottom brace which is small and cute. It consists of this clear plastic stuff and little strips of metal which support the teeth. The hooks on the side go over two of my molars and it is easy to take out and put in.
And this is the top. It has two blocks on either side which help force my bottom jaw forward. It stretches the jaw muscles so that when it is removed, my jaw will be in a new place.
This is the top one, and it has a space for a key to turn it but that's only if they say I have to. Its not like my other one where I had to turn it every week. This one has a metal wire which goes over my front teeth and then two loops for my incisors and hooks for my molars.
This is the other side, You can see that this one also has blocks on it as this is a Twin Block Appliance. You can see the key bit much clearer now.
So that is it. if you have any questions feel free to comment and I will get back to you asap.
Bye Guys.
Monday, 27 January 2014
Goodbye expander, hello pain...
hi guys,
Finally I don't have to wear my expander. However, I have to wear a Twin block appliance(a separate photo blog will be up this weekend) Here's a link if you want more info and a picture of what I am going through:
I am going to run through information and little bits just for you guys who want to know:
The appliance I have pushes my lower jaw forwards and my upper jaw backwards. It stretches out the muscles in my jaw and thus decreasing my overbite.
I'm going to tell the truth because there is no point in lying but this one hurts a lot. My jaw really hurts and I can't bite down. It really hurts but I am sure the pain will go with time. Heat helps and so does ibuprofen. To be honest Paracetomol does nothing.
I clean it with water and a soft bristled toothbrush just like before with my expander.
I have to keep it in all the time apart from cleaning and eating.
So that's it. I hope this is enough info and I hope the link explains it a bit better.
Bye guys.
Finally I don't have to wear my expander. However, I have to wear a Twin block appliance(a separate photo blog will be up this weekend) Here's a link if you want more info and a picture of what I am going through:
I am going to run through information and little bits just for you guys who want to know:
The appliance I have pushes my lower jaw forwards and my upper jaw backwards. It stretches out the muscles in my jaw and thus decreasing my overbite.
I'm going to tell the truth because there is no point in lying but this one hurts a lot. My jaw really hurts and I can't bite down. It really hurts but I am sure the pain will go with time. Heat helps and so does ibuprofen. To be honest Paracetomol does nothing.
I clean it with water and a soft bristled toothbrush just like before with my expander.
I have to keep it in all the time apart from cleaning and eating.
So that's it. I hope this is enough info and I hope the link explains it a bit better.
Bye guys.
Thursday, 2 January 2014
New year, new teeth...
Hi guys,
I haven't posted in a while, I have been really busy recently with Christmas and New Year. 2014 is a new year and I am excited to see what is going to happen at the end of this year with my mouth. I reckon I will have braces... exciting!!
Anyway heres' a few appointment days:
7th January - impressions/moulds for a new plate
27th January - getting my new plate
I have no idea what the plate is or what its going to do or how long I have to wear it.
So that's it. Hope you have a good month.
Bye guys,
I haven't posted in a while, I have been really busy recently with Christmas and New Year. 2014 is a new year and I am excited to see what is going to happen at the end of this year with my mouth. I reckon I will have braces... exciting!!
Anyway heres' a few appointment days:
7th January - impressions/moulds for a new plate
27th January - getting my new plate
I have no idea what the plate is or what its going to do or how long I have to wear it.
So that's it. Hope you have a good month.
Bye guys,
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